Date: 02/01/08 (Algorithms)    Keywords: programming, java

    Can anyone recommend a good beginners book on C?

    In a few weeks time I will be using C for low level programming to solve problems. (Low level programming being the class.) C will be my second language, I already understand the basics of java objects and ADT's so preferably a book that defines clearly why C isn't object oriented... 

    Edit: I ended up buying "C in a Nutshell" because it is the course textbook and came highly recommended. It doesn't provide enough baby-step explanations for me, though, so I'm still finding C a damned difficult language to learn. Thank you all for your suggestions, I'm planning on buying the recommended book anyway in the hope that the developers of C will be better at explaining things.

    Source: http://algorithms.livejournal.com/97535.html

« 15 though early morning of... || C »

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