1st Call for Papers: SIGAI Workshop on Emerging Research Trends in AI (ERTAI-2010)
Date: 01/09/10
(Algorithms) Keywords: php, asp, java, web, spam
The Special Interest Group on AI (SIGAI) of Computer Society of India (CSI) announces a *workshop* on "Emerging Research Trends in AI". The workshop will be organised and hosted by CDAC Navi Mumbai, India and is meant to encourage quality research in various aspects of AI, among the Indian academia/industry. For details, refer the first call for papers below (in the LJ Cut), and visit http://sigai.cdacmumbai.in and http://sigai.cdacmumbai.in/index.php/ertai-2010
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SIGAI Workshop on Emerging Research Trends in Artificial Intelligence (ERTAI - 2010)
17th April, 2010, C-DAC, Navi Mumbai, India
Supported by Computer Society of India (CSI)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has always been a research-rich field with a number of challenging and practically significant problems spanning many areas. These include language processing, multi-agent systems, web mining, information retrieval, semantic web, e-learning, optimization problems, pattern recognition, etc. AI, hence, can offer a wide range of challenging problems matching the palate of every academic or professional. However, most colleges and universities do not have experienced AI researchers to work in these areas.
We also observe an increasing interest among the Indian academia to pursue research, usually aimed at PhD. However, lack of guides with rich research experience often makes it hard for new and aspiring research scholars to identify relevant and useful research topics and to get guidance on their approach and direction. A forum where those pursuing research can exchange ideas and seek guidance, and those seeking to get into research can get a feel of current research would be valuable for both groups.
This is the backdrop driving SIGAI to organize a workshop of this nature.
Proposed Structure of Workshop
It will be a one day programme consisting of,
* Invited talks covering current trends, specific challenges, etc. in Artificial Intelligence
* Invited talks on mentoring research scholars on publication, research methodology, etc.
* Presentations by those currently pursuing research in AI area.
We will have a panel of experienced researchers to evaluate and mentor the research presentations.
Call For Papers
For the research presentations, we are now inviting brief research papers of 5-6 pages, outlining the problem being addressed, approach followed vis a vis existing approaches, current status / results, and future plans. A subset will be short-listed for presentation, based on a formal review process. Papers must have significant AI content to be considered for presentation. Relevant topics include (but are not limited to):
Knowledge Representation
Model-Based Learning
Expert Systems
Data Mining
State Space Search
Cognitive Systems
Vision & Perception
Intelligent User Interfaces
Reactive AI
Ambient Intelligence
Artificial Life
Evolutionary Computing
Fuzzy Systems
Uncertainty in AI
Machine Learning
Constraint Satisfaction
Natural Language Processing
Pattern Recognition
Intelligent Agents
Soft Computing
Planning & Scheduling
Neural Networks
Case-Based Reasoning
Target Audience
Target audience will be primarily:
* Faculty members pursuing research involving AI as the base or as a tool for an application.
* Faculty members interested in pursuing research and exploring areas / options.
* Research scholars working for a post graduate degree.
* Students seriously interested in research, specifically on AI.
Important Dates
* Last date for paper submission: 10th March, 2010
* Acceptance intimation: 25th March, 2010
* Camera ready copy due: 5th April, 2010
* Registration details announcement: 1st February, 2010
* Presentations must report original work carried out by the authors.
* Presenters would be given a maximum of 30 minutes for their presentation.
* All participants must register for the workshop.
* Presentation may be submitted via: csi.sigai@gmail.com This e- mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
ERTAI Secretariat
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (Formerly NCST)
Raintree Marg, Near Bharati Vidyapeeth, Sector 7, CBD Belapur
Opp. Kharghar Railway Station, Navi Mumbai 400 614, Maharashtra, INDIA
Telephone: +91-22-27565303
Fax: +91-22-27565004 (on request)
Email: csi.sigai@gmail.com
Web: http://sigai.cdacmumbai.in/
Source: https://algorithms.livejournal.com/103407.html