Finding the nearest in a sorted set of int to a given int
Date: 12/05/09
(Algorithms) Keywords: software, java
Hi guys,
I'm in the middle of writing a connector to some accounting software and I've been implementing a lazy loading list of proxies because I'm dealing with huge lists of items which load slowly (even the item id s load slowly).
That's not important to the question I am asking though, basically, I want an algorithm which finds either the given search int in my sorted set (of indexes) or the nearest int contained in the list (it doesn't matter, but we can say that the algorithm has a preference for lower numbers if 2 values are equally near)
The essence of the problem is outlined here:
import java.util.TreeSet;
public class Search {
static TreeSet sorted = new TreeSet();
public static void main(String...args){
findNearest(2); // return 1
findNearest(8); // return 7
findNearest(10); // return 10
private static Integer findNearest(Integer search) {
return null; //TODO halp pls!
Thanks for any advice in advance!