C for HCS12
Date: 08/11/05
(Algorithms) Keywords: no keywords
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I have just started learning microcontrollers.
Can someone help me to provide the program (C) of the following steps:
1. Configure and enable the ATD (i.e. Analog to Digital) subsystem of the Motorola HCS12 (ATDCTL2, 3, 5). 10 Bit accuracy should be used.
2. Trigger conversions on 4 channels of the ATD.
3. Wait for the 4 conversions to be completed.
4. Print the 4 results on the screen on a single line as numbers in the range 0 to 5 Volts.
5. Wait a short while.
6. Return to step 2.
The C program will be run on IAR Embedded Workbench for 68HC12.
Below is my C program (with comments) to the above steps. I think I'm wrong. Thank you for correcting me. Also, I can't do step 5.
typedef unsigned char U8;
typedef unsigned int U16;
#define ATDCL2 (*(volatile U8*)0x0082)
#define ATDCL3 (*(volatile U8*)0x0083)
#define ATDCL4 (*(volatile U8*)0x0084)
#define ATDCL5 (*(volatile U8*)0x0085)
#define ATDSTAT0 (*(volatile U8*)0x0086)
#define ATDDR (*(volatile U16*)0x0090)
void delay (int time)
while (time-->0);
void ADC_convert (void);
void main (void)
{ /* Step 1 */
ATDCTL2 = 0x80;
ATDCTL3 = 0x00;
ATDCTL4 = 0x01;
ADC_convert ();
void ADC_convert ();
while(1) /* Step 6 */
ATDCTL5 = 0x03; /* Step 2 */
while ((ATDSTAT0 & 0x8000) != 0x8000)
{;} /* Step 3 */
printf ("%x %x %x %x\n", ATDDR[1], ATDDR[2], ATDDR[3], ATDDR[4]); /* Step 4 */
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/algorithms/62745.html