LJ Clique Program

    Date: 12/10/05 (Algorithms)    Keywords: web

    You might remember a few weeks ago someone posted about a clique* finder for LJ. I wrote another program to do this, using an algorithm that finds exact solutions. It runs quite fast for inputs up to around 200 or so (it takes < 1 second for anything up to around 140). Also, it finds all cliques, not just the maximal one.

    I tried it against the clique finder that was linked in that discussion, and the results seem to match, though I only tried a few usernames.

    I don't have a nifty web interface set up for it (it's in Perl, with the clique-finding code in C++), and I wouldn't have anywhere to host it if I did, but if you are interested I can run some queries on it.

    * My definition of a clique is a group where every pair of members are MUTUAL friends, and no member can be added to the group while maintaining this property.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/algorithms/68226.html

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