Shortest path ...
Date: 01/04/06
(Algorithms) Keywords: no keywords
Shortest path ...
given a x * y * z cell grid (assume each cell is a 1x1x1 cube) , and the cost to go from a cell to another What (quick) algorithm would you use to go from a cell to another ?
Dijkstra gurantees the shortest path in this case but it can be slow. Currently I used A* heuristic approach however wondering if possible to find a quicker algorithm. D* ? The performance of A* is fine when finding the route from point A to point B however in my project there's a set S of points and I want to find in that set which point is closest to point B, so I have to re-run A* on point A to each of the points in set S), taking lots of time
Thanks ....
I believe there are some posts relating to this early however cannot find it , is there a way to search on old posts ?