In need of help...

    Date: 01/30/06 (Algorithms)    Keywords: no keywords

    I'm trying (and failing miserably) in trying to work out how the characters - ij4jkK can express the number 44.

    Basically I'm just trying to decode it. But I've really no idea how to even begin doing so, so can anyone help/point me in the right direction?

    I've a few examples of the encryption in action -

    ij4jkK == 44
    ijfjnj == 47
    il6jg0 == 60
    iipjmwkk7 == 363

    I can program to some degree, can I write something to help me solve it?

    Wasn't entirely sure where to post this, but um, please don't hurt me if it's bad place...



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