"You don't have permission to access.."

    Date: 04/25/07 (Apache)    Keywords: php, mysql, sql, apache

    I'm running Apache 2.2 from wamp (so I have PHP5 and MySQL 5, though I don't think it has anything to do with them) on Windows XP. Anyway.

    I can access everything fine using "localhost", and a friend told me that I could access my server by just using my computer's name. So I named my computer "nemo-serv" (all my electrical devices are named after characters from Finding Nemo, my laptop is Nemo,) and then could use nemo-serv fine, just like localhost.

    Then I changed something, and I just get a "You don't have permission to access this directory" when using nemo-serv, though localhost is still fine. I really have no idea what I changed that could have done this, but I was hoping you guys would be able to point me in the right direction.

    Thanks ^^

    Source: https://apache.livejournal.com/36535.html

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