mod_rewrite problem

    Date: 08/20/05 (Apache)    Keywords: php

    Hi everybody! I'm new here and trying to write a mod_rewrite rule. I added the following to httpd.conf:

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule ^/perfumes/([0-9]+)/([A-Zn])/([126])/([0-9]*)$ /items/perfumes.php?product=$1&selection=$2&category=$3&page=$4

    In loading modules above that is:

    LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/

    But, when I try to go to

    I get the error "The requested URL /perfumes/322/A/2/1 was not found on this server."

    Any idea what could be causing this problem or do I need to provide more information?


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