apache 2 problems
Date: 11/26/05
(Apache) Keywords: apache
This has annoyed me for a while and need your help.
apache2 install on debian.
In /etc/apache2/sites-available I have two files which has this:
< = [ and > = ]
Options +ExecCGI
[VirtualHost www.adomain1.com]
DocumentRoot /home/domains/adomain1.com/www
ServerName www.adomain1.com
ErrorLog /home/domains/adomain1.com/logs/www-error.log
CustomLog /home/domains/adomain1.com/logs/www-access.log combined
[VirtualHost adomain1.com]
DocumentRoot /home/domains/adomain1.com/www
ServerName adomain1.com
ErrorLog /home/domains/adomain1.com/logs/www-error.log
CustomLog /home/domains/adomain1.com/logs/www-access.log combined
[VirtualHost www.adomain2.com]
DocumentRoot /home/domains/adomain2.com/www
ServerName www.adomain2.com
ErrorLog /home/domains/adomain2.com/logs/www-error.log
CustomLog /home/domains/adomain2.com/logs/www-access.log combined
[VirtualHost adomain2.com]
DocumentRoot /home/domains/adomain2.com/www
ServerName adomain2.com
ErrorLog /home/domains/adomain2.com/logs/www-error.log
CustomLog /home/domains/adomain2.com/logs/www-access.log combined
When I start apache, I get this error message:
[Sat Nov 26 15:44:46 2005] [warn] VirtualHost www.domain1.com:0 overlaps with VirtualHost www.domain2.com:0, the first has precedence, perhaps you need a NameVirtualHost directive
I use one IP address to hold more than one domain.
When I remove the bits that doesn't have the 'www' entry, it works fine. But I don't want that as people who go to a site without the 'www' bit will be redirected to a different page.
Is there any easier way to do this - getting people to visit the same, via http://www.adomain1.com and http://adomain1.com to one page and http://www.adomain2.com and http://adomain2.com to another page?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/apache/27109.html