Another Content Negotiation Problem (Only This One's Real!)

    Date: 07/17/05 (Apache)    Keywords: apache

    I've got a question about content negotiation... Basically, I'd like to know if there's a way to make type-maps and the MultiViews option work side-by-side. I'd like to utilize both within the same directory. Right now, the only way I can access a resource via type-map is by specifying the .var extension in the URL, even though ".var" isn't part of the resource name.

    If I don't specify the .var extension in the URL, then MultiViews takes over. To test things out, if you visit you get one of three formats of images, all with the same base (resource) name; a PNG, a GIF, or a JPEG. If you visit, then you get a text file, which I've specified in the type-map (.var file) to have the highest "quality".

    Here is my type-map file:

    URI: bushcheney04

    URI: bushcheney04.txt
    Content-type: text/plain; qs=0.800

    URI: bushcheney04.png
    Content-type: image/png; qs=0.600

    URI: bushcheney04.gif
    Content-type: image/gif; qs=0.400

    URI: bushcheney04.jpg
    Content-type: image/jpeg; qs=0.200
    Any ideas on how I can get this to work the way I need it to work? Basically, I need type-maps to be processed before MultiViews, and if a type-map doesn't exist, then MultiViews takes over and effectively creates its own type-map. The setup that I need isn't explained in any of the documentation.

    Here's an excerpt from one of my conf files in sites-available:
                    AddHandler type-map .var
                    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                    AllowOverride None
                    Order allow,deny
                    allow from all
    cross-posted from #apache on DALnet and to '[info]'cparker


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