Wrangling OpenSSL on XP with Apache 2.055

    Date: 03/06/06 (Apache)    Keywords: php, web, apache

    My config:
    Apache_2.0.55-Openssl_0.9.8a-Win32.zip (hunter's build)
    --using mod_ssl.dll
    --using PHP5.1.2

    [warn] (OS 995)The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request. : winnt_accept: Asynchronous AcceptEx failed.

    after (supposedly) getting ssl going, i tried accessing my site with http://website.com:443. that worked fine, but didn't initiate ssl stuff. i'd try https://......, i'd get server not found, or error -12281 from firefox. these wouldn't generate any problems in error.log, and server startup would only generate an sslcache complaint. did some research, i guess -DSSL (or lack thereof) was to blame, so i #'d out & . now the server won't start at all and throws that error. i'm guessing it's something wrong with my virtual host setup (i'm not using any virtual hosts outside of SSL config) but i'm not getting it. any ideas?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/apache/30569.html

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