An intro

    Date: 12/17/06 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: php, programming, asp, sql, linux, google

    Hi everyone,

    I thought before I go any further I'd ask approval, and give a bit of a background on myself.

    in 2000, I was working for blue chip clients as an asp programmer, and then discovered I had chronic Lyme disease, which I am currently under treatment for, but its left me with a six year gap in knowledge, Yes I've gone back to the Olde Faithfull Wrox books, MSDN etc for .net2 but I am finding so much has changed, I am fairly competent with C++ asp, VBscript and ECMA C# is completely new to me!

    to get me back to programming I bought a 2nd user server, which is running 2k3 enterprise ed. and have a 2nd machine running mssql 2005, I installed Visual Studio Pro, and thought that a couple of the Starter kits would prove a good place to start, oh How wrong I have been!

    Firstly: I tried theBeerHouse kit, hmmn, yes it runs on Localhost, but will the blasted thing run on a inbound connection Will it heck, I've trawled google for answers, worked arround issues, damn it I could have written the lot in asp quicker! or even as a Com+ application. I thought .net2 was supposed to be easier.

    But alas I think not unless I am completely missing something, the last thing I want to do is learn PHP! I'd rather eat a linux computer first!!

    So whats your advise for someone getting back into this, where did you start and if you have an indespensible book what is it?



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