vb.net / Foreign key data on detailsview inserts

    Date: 01/03/07 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: sql

    I'm trying to propagate a chosen parameter from a GridView to a DetailsView control where I will be inserting new data records.

    Here's my basic layout:

    page load
    -> display GridView1 (list all jobs in progress)
    user clicks on details link of a job entry
    -> display GridView2 (list each user-identified step for selected job)
    user clicks "Add step" link
    -> I need to pass the 'job number' used to populate GridView2 so that my newly created step will correctly be listed as a step for the job I selected after page load.

    One of my concerns is also trying to minimize code behind -- I am the only real programmer in our company and want to this project is as easy to maintain as possible should I ever move on.

    Is there a way to take my query string parameter sent to GridView2 page and use that in the custom Insert SQL statement for my SQLDataSource?

    Thanks for any advice you can share, or help you can point me towards.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/81383.html

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