and stylesheets

    Date: 10/14/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: browser, asp

    Okay - 1.1, C# code behind. This may be slightly off topic, but I'm not sure if the problem is or not.

    I have a button on my page, which when clicked, enables a disabled stylesheet. It kind of mimics a tree view type thing.

    Closed up the page looks like this.

    + AAAAAA
    + BBBBBB
    + CCCCCC

    Expanded it looks like this

    - AAAAAA
    - aaaaa
    - bbbbb

    - aaaaa
    - aaaaa

    What I'd like to do is click on a plus or minus, change the image (to a plus/minus), and expand/collapse the appropriate sections. I created a custom control to represent the sections, to get around the fact that renders as a in some browsers. Is that the problem? Should I just amend the section of my machine.config file and used
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