XML/XSLT issue

    Date: 10/21/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: xml, asp

    I'm not sure about the XML expertise around here but I don't wanna go around to multiple groups posting this question. I'm trying to take output from a dataset that is outputted to an XML file and associate it with an XSLT to basically make a reverse table, so instead of,


    I want it to display as


    Putting the whole table displaying aspect aside, right now my question is how do I get the XSLT to display the actual ELEMENT NAME as opposed to just the element values? So for
    I want it to come out as

    The XML structure is:


    Obviously there are multiple elements. The thing about this (and why I'm even EXPLORING this) is that the XML files have dynamic tags.

    If anyone has any information as to how I would get to display this information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/aspdotnet/44993.html

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