VS.Net 2003 + VS 2005 = Compatibility Nightmare?

    Date: 10/26/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: microsoft

    With VS 2005 coming out and the .Net 2.0 framework coming with it, I was wondering if anyone knows whether or not I'll be able to have VS 2003/1.1 and VS 2005/2.0 running on the same machine and not have to worry about compilation/compatibility issues. Basically I work at a MS shop that runs 1.1 framework stuff, and I wanted to do some experimenting/conversions to 2.0, but I don't want to if the multiple frameworks will cause problems with the IDEs and compiling. Has Microsoft commented on this or is it the "better to be safe (only 1 framework) than sorry" approach? Thanks.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/aspdotnet/45719.html

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