Event Handlers Suddenly Drop in ASP.NET

    Date: 10/25/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: asp, web

    I was trained in ASP.NET with C# codebehind but my new job has me working with VB.Net. I kinda miss the structure of C#, but that's an aside. Basically a problem that I've had with both of these is that randomly, sometimes when I make changes to web forms, parts of the form (not the WHOLE thing) suddenly stop working. Like most recently I had to work with a web form that had lots of validations and hidden panels, and one day I was adding a new panel with its own options and validations and all that good stuff. Then I went to test it out, and 70% of the form just stopped working. The Validations weren't validating, and panels that should have been visible remained hidden. After going through about 2 hours of soul/sledgehammer searching I found out that the Event Handlers had magically disappeared from most of the functions. Basically the "Handles..." part of the functions disappeared, and I had to either add it manually or double click on the various functions/validations on the design view of the form. Has anyone else run into this problem or knows where this stems from? Someone at work told me that it has to do with if you copy controls from various parts of the forms to other parts, but I'm pretty sure I didn't do any of that before the form screwed up. Also, like I said, about 70% of the form just stopped working properly. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

    BTW its ASP.NET 1.1, not 2.0 with VS.NET 2003

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/aspdotnet/45558.html

« XML/XSLT issue || VS.Net 2003 + VS 2005 =... »

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