Windows XP Programming and Gaming Users

    Date: 11/29/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: programming, sql, web

    Ok this is a weird question that may not be appropriate here but here's my situation: I'll be getting a new computer for Xmas that will be a powerful machine that will be used for 2 primary functions: Programming and Gaming. Thing is that basically I do alot of web programming so I'm going to have VS 2003 and 2005, SQL Server (possibly 2000 AND 2005), and IIS. As you know gaming requires alot of system resources and memory and I don't want to have to go to task manager everytime I boot up to play a game to close off all the programming and server programs. So what I'm wondering is whether or not I should:

    A: Set up 2 user accounts on my computer (this is an XP Pro machine) with one for programming and one for gaming that has a modified startup script to disable everything (which i have no experience in writing BTW). I also don't know if this would even free up all the memory that I'd want.

    B: Install 2 instances of XP Pro and use a dual boot configuration with one config with all the server and programming tools and one without. HD space isnt' really an issue since I will have a 250 gig hard drive (and likely will be adding more at a later date.) However I'm not very experienced with this sort of setup. I do plan on installing Windows XP 64-bit as well, so I'd have to do the 2 32-bit installations first and then do the 64-bit one. I'm not very keen on dealing with multiple partitions for all my programs, especially if they can't talk to one another (although I bet there's tools that allow you to view on the parttions, like I said I don't have much experience with this.) I know the 64 will require its own partition.

    Sorry if this is really "out there" or inappropriate for this community. If someone knows a more appropriate one please let me know. I just figured since there appears to be a decent number of intelligent computer users here that perhaps there'd be someone here who could help me as well. Thanks alot.


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