SQL Server 2005 Developer VS Express Editions

    Date: 12/19/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: programming, sql

    I just got a new computer and I'm setting it up so I can do my programming work at home. I still need to install a SQL server, and even though my company doesn't use it I'm looking at 2005 because quite frankly I don't feel like installing 2000 AND 2005 and having multiple instances running. I'm wondering between downloading either SQL Server 2005 developer edition or the Express Edition. Cost isnt' an issue since I have a MSDN license at work, I don't want to have to DL 2 CDs worth of data if I don't have to. Does anyone know more about the features of these 2 versions and whether or not I should really prepare for the future with a DEV edition or if I should just go with the lightweight Express edition. One thign is though that I'd like easy integration into the VS IDE, and I read that SQL Express integrates into VS Express, but my Version is the Professional Edition, so I don't know if they will integrate also. Its not a necessity but it would be a nice thing to have since everyone seems to be going that direction while I'm still manually writing SQL script. Any feedback would be appreciated. BTW computer power isnt' an issue either. I have an AMD 4400+ X2 with 1 gig of ram.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/aspdotnet/51909.html

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