Favorite VS .Net 2005 features

    Date: 01/09/06 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: xml, asp, web

    I recently installed the new visual studio and I am having a bit of a hard time remembering everything I heard at the 2003 PDC about the new features I can use when doing C# development.

    I do remeber the following few:
    Generics --> has anyone tried this ? Seemed better than having to write your own custom class, is it ?
    Parial classes -> omg I love this feature ! I love that the very boring generated code wont be in my file. I like my files nice and navigatable. YAY
    The Xml editor is slightly better but doesnt seem blazing fast as promised.
    Also I bet some people like not have to use a real web server to test asp pages.

    Had anyone tried the ream features ? How are they ? Should we get ris of Test Director ?

    Thanks !

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/aspdotnet/53224.html

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