asp help... please :(

    Date: 01/23/06 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: web

    here's my problem...
    I have a search page and i want it to come up with images for the search results.
    here's what i have...

    mimageurl = "" & rsSearch("lastname")+"_" & rsSearch("firstname") & "/images/m-" & rsSearch("imagename")


    img src=<%= mimageurl %> border="0"

    it works..except that the folder where the images are stored is labeled: lastname_A
    where the A is not the full first name but just the first initial of the first name.

    i thought this would work:

    but it didn't.

    help me.. please.. i'll name my first born child after you!


    x-posted to web design...


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