Dreamweaver to ASP.Net

    Date: 01/23/06 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: html, asp, java, web

    So basically I've been assigned to write up a training sign-up web app for my company, and basically when we were working on it some static HTML versions were written up just for show and not for actual functionality. Thing is though that now I gotta use the exact same site design but now give it ASP.Net functionality. I know this sounds easy but I gotta deal with a site built with ALOT of Dreamweaver added code like non-editable tags (great goddamn idea that was,) and image swapping javascript. I don't want to have to rebuild this entire site from scratch, but I also don't want ot go and CONSTANTLY be making stupid design revisions to get it to look like the original page. Any ideas about this? Or is this really not as hard as it sounds?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/55732.html

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