Note that this is just a sample of another part of the code.

Using this format, I need to know how I would get it so that either the ASP or VB knows that if there is something in the 2nd time field, that it can show something like:

90 minutes to 120 minutes

I can't use a "static" thing though, so I can't just always leave a "to" in there:

90 minutes to

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


    Formatting with Repeaters

    Date: 02/01/06 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: database, asp

    Ok I'm binding to a database using repeaters. I have 2 time fields in my database that show how long a course is, but those 2 fields aren't always used (ie 90-120 minutes or just 60 minutes.) I have the code set up like this:


<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "infoSummary") %>
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