Transferring information amongst pop-ups

    Date: 02/02/06 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: browser, database, sql, web

    Assuming you're not all sick of me yet, I have another question.
    I have 2 web pages. On the main page there are links that are binded to a database. Clicking on those links will open up another window that has more details about that particular topic. On that detail page I want to add a button that will close that detail window, then have the main page WINDOW go to a page that only shows courses available on that topic. That information would be accessed via a SQL Query.

    So for example (because I'm sure this is very confusing,) on the main page you click on a link to learn more about the Manager Training course. A window comes up showing all the information about the Manager training course. You then click on a button. That detail window closes, and the main page goes to another page that only shows all the Managers Training Courses. My main question is how I can tell the main page window to go to this other page and pass the information needed so that it can query the database and bind the correct information to it. I know this is very easy if everything is in the same browser window, but I don't know how you do it with multiple windows. Thanks.


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