Web Host Recommendation?

    Date: 02/03/06 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: php, mysql, database, asp, sql, web, google, apache

    Hey guys,

    This is not an asp.net technical question, but I thought maybe someone here could help me out.

    I need to switch web hosts. The one I have now has terrible customer service and thinks that it is normal to take the web server down for several hours every day, and not bother to tell their customers that they do so. I found them through Google and I don't want to try that again.

    I've tried looking for recommendations elsewhere, but all the ones I've found have been for Apache web servers. I need an IIS web server that has: ASP.NET/ADO.NET and PHP4/5 supported, MySQL or SQL Server databases, along with the standard mail accounts, web statistics, ftp access, etc. It's just for a couple personal sites, so I don't need a lot of bandwith or space, just need reliable servers with little downtime and good customer service.

    Any recommendations?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/aspdotnet/57938.html

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