1. Secure online storage

    Date: 06/22/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, mysql, software, html, asp, sql, security, web, linux, hosting, yahoo

    I have a group of users (100 or so) that need read/write access to a document (excel) of sensitive information. Since they are all over the place, they requested a web application to be able to access from anywhere whenever they need to modify or look at this document. I'm trying to figure out what is the best way to provide a secure way to only allow these specific users to access this document.

    ideas have included:

    Plone - complex, looking for simplicity
    phpBB - requires me to set up a mysql linux box somewhere which might be possible
    Yahoo groups - not very secure but basically what i want

    any other ideas? Security of this information is the biggest priority. i currently have both linux/windows available to host.
    i know some html, coldfusion, asp, but hosting coldfusion is a problem which is why i'm looking for preconfigured apps if possible.

    Xposted to Software

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/213495.html

  2. Best ASP.NET 2.0 tutorials/books?

    Date: 06/24/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: asp

    Anyone have recommendations for great ASP.NET tutorials and/or books? I got the ASP.NET v.2.0—The Beta Version published by Addison-Wesley but the code doesn't work well. :\

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/aspdotnet/35802.html

  3. css / printing / z-index problem

    Date: 06/24/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: browser, css, asp

    A company has me working on their pages. The picture in the link below is in an tag, and the oval links are also images set at a higher z-index. Everything displays perfectly until we attempt to print the pages out - the ovals are sent to the background.

    I tried a little test with overlapping images and zindex and printing, and it all went smoothly, so there is something wrong with my css that's messing up print jobs.

    http://www.dcicheeseco.com/dci/main2.asp - page
    http://www.dcicheeseco.com/dci/info/css.css - main css document
    http://www.dcicheeseco.com/dci/e.css - temp print css document

    This is really hard to troubleshoot because there is a fair amount of CSS, it displays correctly on my screen but not on the page, and I have to keep renaming the filenames (the first problem was the company's browsers caching stuff I didn't want it to). Any help / knowledge would be greatly appreciated - it's my first time messing with the print media type.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/912368.html

  4. SQL Server 2005 podcast

    Date: 06/27/05 (SQL Server)    Keywords: asp, sql

    Kimberly Tripp is a badass and you can find a 98 minute interview with her on .NET ROCKS.

    Kim Tripp is back and more intense than ever. After talking about her famous USB Key demonstration of SQL 2005 partitioning, she gets into details of SQL 2005 that would make even the SQL team go "hey, that's cool!" This is one of those shows that you'll have to listen to several times to completely grasp. We know we will!


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/sqlserver/29642.html

  5. Section 508 compliance

    Date: 06/28/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: css, asp, web

    I need some advice. My company is trying to become Section 508 compliant and I am the leader of such an aggressive move. There are several problems involved with this whole project and my experience with Section 508 compliance is limited (basing a lot of my knowledge on government contracting experience). I know some of the basics, but I need to give more solid proof and evidence that we need to completely revamp the website.

    The biggest (and strongest) argument I have is that our website is completely designed using frames and depends heavily on them. I have already created a CSS driven layout that will mimic the current layout, but we are having issues with the ASP coding for the website. It was very poorly developed and not option explicit, which makes moving to ASP.NET difficult on top of frames.

    My question for you all is if you have resources that I can read more about Section 508 Compliance. If you have tips as well, that would be VERY appreciated.

    X-posted Almost Anywhere.. Sorry if you are seeing this constantly.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/216452.html

  6. Section 508 compliance

    Date: 06/28/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, asp, web

    I need some advice. My company is trying to become Section 508 compliant and I am the leader of such an aggressive move. There are several problems involved with this whole project and my experience with Section 508 compliance is limited (basing a lot of my knowledge on government contracting experience). I know some of the basics, but I need to give more solid proof and evidence that we need to completely revamp the website.

    The biggest (and strongest) argument I have is that our website is completely designed using frames and depends heavily on them. I have already created a CSS driven layout that will mimic the current layout, but we are having issues with the ASP coding for the website. It was very poorly developed and not option explicit, which makes moving to ASP.NET difficult on top of frames.

    My question for you all is if you have resources that I can read more about Section 508 Compliance. If you have tips as well, that would be VERY appreciated.

    X-posted Almost Anywhere.. Sorry if you are seeing this constantly.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/915449.html

  7. In Need of Advice!

    Date: 06/28/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: css, html, asp, java

    Hi guys, new person to the community.

    I’m posting because I need some advice. I have a pretty good grasp of HTML and a book to help me with what I don’t know of CSS, Javascript, etc.

    Here’s what I need help in:

    This is what I want the main page to look like (it’s defiantly not exact, simply because I threw this together at work with Paint >.<) but I’ve inserted notes on what I’m trying to do.

    What would accomplish what I’m trying to achieve? HTML? CSS? Flash? PHP? Frames? (Evil!)

    Thanks for the help, and if this is at all unclear, just tell me, I’ll try to translate! ^.^

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/2040110.html

  8. dipshit associative arrays

    Date: 07/01/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: asp

    Me: Why does this work? Page.Request.Form["nonexistentkey_klhdta"]

    ASP.NET: A String that contains a comma-separated list of the values associated with the specified key from the NameValueCollection, if found; otherwise, a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).

    Me: What kind of dipshit associative array returns null when the key does not exist? Throw a fucking exception!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/aspdotnet/35917.html

  9. I'm not sure how to post this: Spy Sheriff Problem

    Date: 07/04/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: php, browser, html, asp, spyware, microsoft

    Hello. I'm not big on computers, only knowing how to do some HTML and how to surf, use some typing programs.

    I encountered Spy Sheriff about a day ago and still am having problems.

    Computer: Intell (R) Pentium
    Microsoft Windows 2000
    523,760 KB RAM
    Browser used: Mozilla

    On my Admin account, I have this black box with these red letters: SYSTEM STOPPED

    White Text: System has been stopped due to a serious malfunction. Spyware activity has been detected.

    It is recommeded [sic!] to use spyware removal tool to prevent data loss. Do not use the computer before all spyware removed.

    I have on my other account, SM (not real account name), Spybot: S&D. Everytime I try to start up that account, I encounter Symantec Email on the fritz. It shows alot of pop windows open for email.

    I have tried to run Spybot: S&D and Regedit to kill all of the Spy Shreiff stuff, but it is like a zombie, it keeps on coming back and won't die!

    I only use Hotmail email, so not Microsoft Outlook-esque stuff.

    I'll admit that I am not the brightest in the world, and I feel that I would look stupid if the other computer_help community approached my problem. The only reason I sought this community after reading the information page, was that the community mentioned even "someone's monitor being on fire" or "just need help sending email."

    My cousin used to pad this computer, it is custom-built with firewalls and such, so much that I felt inhibited, but now I feel like it should be that way, but then again, I am not majoring in computers... =(

    {EDIT: On some other LJ community, someone spoke of a porn thing popping up. --I found it...ugg...it installed an icon of some woman, and the text: Free XXX (sighs)

    Now I downloaded some Spyware BeGone thing and so far I have 101 infections found.... =(

    The symantec thing has stopped something has to be right on the SM account. Still working on solution...

    EDIT as of 3:16PM Indiana time: I uninstalled "Spybot: S&D"...but now the SM account won't work...)

    I've been reading stuff:


    I wonder if I can actually get (the porn site popped up again) coolsearch.biz or something) the Hijack This to work, but isn't it obly for Internet Explorer? (sighs, wants to throw computer out window)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/435677.html

  10. SQL Server Connection

    Date: 07/05/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, asp, sql


    I have some php running in the latest php stable 4.x build on Windows 2003 Server in IIS6 in ISAPI mode.

    My code does a mssql_connect, this previously was working fine, this week it has stopped working. I am unaware of any specific changes.

    SQL Server is running on a non-standard port, on the localhost. Client Network Utility is configured to talk on the custom port, as is server network utility. ASP Code running in the same instance connects fine.

    I have tried variations such as:


    With no change.

    Any suggestions?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/315371.html

  11. Bizarre error... hulp?

    Date: 07/05/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: database, asp, sql

    IIS 6 SQL 7.0 ASP VBScript

    Some simple math:
    0.55 + 0.02 -0.49

    Should equal 0.08 – correct?

    When I add up these values from the database (the rest are 0 value - there are only three fields that have value as above)

    totalAdjust = oRecordset("hisSunAdj") + oRecordset("hisMonAdj") + oRecordset("hisTueAdj") + oRecordset("hisWedAdj") + oRecordset("hisThuAdj") + oRecordset("hisFriAdj") + oRecordset("hisSatAdj") + oRecordset("his2SunAdj") + oRecordset("his2MonAdj") + oRecordset("his2TueAdj") + oRecordset("his2WedAdj") + oRecordset("his2ThuAdj") + oRecordset("his2FriAdj") + oRecordset("his2SatAdj")

    I get: 8.00000000000001E-02

    If I do this in code:

    response.write 0.55 + 0.02 -0.49

    I get: 8.00000000000001E-02

    THAT is the most bizarre part because I’m just outputting the calculation – it can’t possibly be anything in the code or database because I hard coded the math and came out with the same WRONG answer!!

    Just to double check that I cut and pasted the record from the database into Excel and Summed it in there, and sure enough, it gave me the (correct) 0.08 just as my calculator did.

    Any thoughts??

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/217437.html

  12. good hosting deal...

    Date: 07/07/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: asp


    free for 6 months...

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/923614.html

  13. Broadband over electric lines????

    Date: 07/07/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: asp, google

    I never heard of this. And google is involved, go figure

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/720030.html

  14. Webcam Chat program functionality....?

    Date: 07/08/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, asp, web, linux

    A customer recently sent me a link and expressed interest in adding this functionality to his site.
    I've never seen anything like this before, so I'm not really sure what this entails.

    Here is the link he provided me with:

    From what I understand, he wants to duplicate this "service" on his own site (a similar dating service). His site is php/Linux....If anyone has ever heard of anything like this, please give me some insight....This is not my usual brand of webdev. haha.

    In case the link isn't working for some reason, here is a quick run-down:
    It appears to be a service offered by a dating company, wherein a (male) client pays said dating company by the minute to chat on a webcam via MSN messenger with another (female) client.
    Said dating company will arrange for the female to be at a certain location at a certain time, and the male will be able to video chat with her for a set period of time.

    .....wtf? call me naiive, but I had no idea that this "video prostituting" actually existed (lol)

    Anyway.....Thanks in advance if anyone can offer any information on things of this nature. :)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/218447.html

  15. Gah.

    Date: 07/08/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, mysql, html, asp, sql

    Hope this isn't a bother.

    I'm trying to find a random quote generator that uses HTML or PHP. If it's possible to do it without MySQL, ASP, etc etc etc. Anybody? Beuller?

    Rock on. <3 

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/924390.html

  16. Limiting Rows and also MSDN Asp.net events

    Date: 07/12/05 (Asp Dot Net)    Keywords: rss, asp, web

    Hello all,
    MSDN has some ASP.NET Events coming up.. I have a feed specifically set for California but they may be near your town too. RSS feeds can be found here: http://www.msdnevents.com/rss/customFeeds.aspx

    Now I have a question about ASP.NET 2.0. My friend and I are both classic asp developers getting our feet wet with asp.net 2.0. To practice, we are making a portal with some web parts and some of the parts will just be RSS headlines. We have code that works very well but we'd like to limit the results to 5 per feed.. I've looked into using XSL to do the limitation but it seems so bulky. Does anyone have an elegant suggestion? We've scrolled through all of the properties but can't find anything :\

    <%@ Page Language="VB" %>

    <%#XPath("title") %>

    Any guidance is appreciated.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/aspdotnet/36472.html

  17. GD Image creation Help

    Date: 07/15/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: asp

    Hey all.. I've got a bit of a problem here. I'm using the simplevieweradmin to manage a simpleviewer flash gallery on a site I'm working on. By default, the admin allows you to upload a file and create a square thumbnail. My client requires that we keep the aspect ratio the same, so, I'm trying to modify the simplevieweradmin thumb creation function to 1st create a blank square thumb, then insert an uncropped thumbnail with the max height or width to be the same as the square height/width of the thumb. I've found some tut's on how to do this, but am having alot of trouble putting it together.

    Code is behind the cut. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    We assume the thumbnail should be 45 pixels, either wide or high.
    We load the original image, and check its dimensions.
    If the picture is higher than wide, we set the height of the thumb to 45 pixels.
    The width of the thumbnail is the original width multiplied with 45 pixels divided by its height.
    Thumbnail height = original width * (45 / original height)
    This way we preserve the original aspect ratio.
    If the original picture is wider than high, we do the same to the height of the thumbnail.
    If they are the same, we simply create a 45x45 pixels image.

    function createImage($file, $format, $mode, $fileDest)
    // Get information about the installed GD.
    $gdInfo = checkGD();
    $gdVersion = $gdInfo['version'];

    if ($gdInfo == false) {
    return false;

    // Ensure the given format is supported.
    if ($gdInfo['formats'][$format] != 1) {
    return false;

    // Get the image dimensions.
    $dimensions = @getimagesize($file);
    $width = $dimensions[0];
    $height = $dimensions[1];

    // images mode.
    if ($mode == 'images') {
    $deltaX = 0;
    $deltaY = 0;
    $portionX = $outputX = $width;
    $portionY = $outputY = $height;
    $quality = 100;

    // thumbs mode.
    if ($mode == 'thumbs') {
    $outputX = 45;
    $outputY = 45;
    $quality = 85;

    // The image is of vertical shape.
    if ($height > $width) {
    $deltaX = $width * ($outputY / $height);
    $deltaY = 0;
    $portionX = $width;
    $portionY = $height;

    // The image is of horizontal shape.
    } else if ($width > $height) {
    $deltaX = 0;
    $deltaY = $height * ($outputX / $width);
    $portionX = $width;
    $portionY = $height;

    // The image is of squared shape.
    } else {
    $deltaX = 0;
    $deltaY = 0;
    $portionX = $width;
    $portionY = $height;

    // Get the source image in gif format.
    if ($format == 'gif') {
    $imageSrc = @imagecreatefromgif($file);

    // Get the source image in jpg format.
    if ($format == 'jpg') {
    $imageSrc = @imagecreatefromjpeg($file);

    // Get the source image in png format.
    if ($format == 'png') {
    $imageSrc = @imagecreatefrompng($file);

    // The thumbnail creation with GD1.x functions does the job.
    if ($gdVersion == 1) {

    // Create an empty thumbnail image.
    $imageDest = @imagecreate($outputX, $outputY);

    // Try to create the thumbnail from the source image.
    if (@imagecopyresized($imageDest, $imageSrc, 0, 0, 0, 0, $outputX, $outputY, $width, $height)) {

    // save the thumbnail image into a file.
    @imagejpeg($imageDest, $fileDest, $quality);

    // Delete both image resources.

    return true;



    // The recommended approach is the usage of the GD2.x functions.
    if ($gdVersion == 2) {

    // Create an empty thumbnail image.
    $imageDest = @imagecreatetruecolor($outputX, $outputY);

    // Try to create the thumbnail from the source image.
    if (@imagecopyresampled($imageDest, $imageSrc, 0, 0, $deltaX, $deltaY, $outputX, $outputY, $portionX, $portionY)) {

    // save the thumbnail image into a file.
    @imagejpeg($imageDest, $fileDest, $quality);

    // Delete both image resources.

    return true;



    return false;

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/319300.html

  18. WinDoz Patching for Dummies

    Date: 07/18/05 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: asp

    Interesting read, a good article explaining WinDoz Patching - with some good hints for some of the normal problems faced with this issue:


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/itprofessionals/15541.html

  19. hookay

    Date: 07/18/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: html, asp, web

    trying to migrate client off of a ASP driven site to well something that is not a dirty hack (their site not IIS/ASP).
    They have a nifty form setup (behind a password protected page sorry) in ASP where you click a choice from a list of four options and then you get bellow it a form to fill out. Now I took an idea from http://developer.apple.com/internet/webcontent/dynamicforms.html (a great site btw) and have the forms per say working. Its just that there is content under the space where the forms would show up and now as a DIV it just writes over it. Is there a simple way to "push" the html down? other than making the bottom part a div and hiding it (and then I am back to a dirty hack)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/222114.html

  20. Seriously need help with this error

    Date: 07/18/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: asp, web, microsoft

    i tried adding an additional domain to my primary website and used this asp code:
    (unmodified version)
    sname = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")
    sname = ucase(sname)
    if InStr(sname,"DOMAIN2") <> 0 then
    response.redirect "directory2"
    response.redirect "index.html"
    end if

    (modified version)
    sname = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")
    sname = ucase(sname)
    if InStr(sname,"DISCOUNTPACKAGE") <> 0 then
    response.redirect "dps"
    response.redirect "default.asp"
    end if

    i pasted the code in the default.asp of the root directory of the primary site, but i get this error now when i used it, HELP!

    Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0400'

    Expected statement

    /includes/Top_Template.inc, line 1

    Option Explicit

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/221641.html

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