1. ¿ Que pasó con esta comunidad PHP ?

    Date: 12/21/20     Keywords: php

    Hay que revivir esta comunidad, PHP está mas vivo que nunca con su nueva versión PHP 8 liberada el pasado 26 de Noviembre 2020, en el año de la Pandemia COVID 19

    Source: https://php.livejournal.com/684502.html

  2. Hmm...

    Date: 03/25/18     Keywords: no keywords

    Is this community dead or something?

    Source: https://php.livejournal.com/684216.html

  3. Hello!

    Date: 03/25/18     Keywords: php, programming

    I just started to use LJ, so i thought it would be nice to have some friends here.
    I'm into coding and programming. I recently started to practice PHP and now i found this community.
    So please don't judge me i'm just a kid.

    Source: https://php.livejournal.com/683842.html

  4. $_SESSION Use

    Date: 03/26/12     Keywords: php

    I have some php 4 code that is being tested on a php 5 site. The (fairly simplistic) login uses a $_SESSION variable to track a valid login, but under php 5 it seems to lose its values when moving to a different php page.

    A quick scan of the documents didn't show anything obvious about version 4 vs version 5 differences. The code uses session_start(), then checks $_SESSION['loginstuff_notactualkey'] for the user name.

    Is this a coding practice that should be changed with version 5?

    Source: http://php.livejournal.com/683431.html

  5. $_SESSION Use

    Date: 03/26/12     Keywords: php

    I have some php 4 code that is being tested on a php 5 site. The (fairly simplistic) login uses a $_SESSION variable to track a valid login, but under php 5 it seems to lose its values when moving to a different php page.

    A quick scan of the documents didn't show anything obvious about version 4 vs version 5 differences. The code uses session_start(), then checks $_SESSION['loginstuff_notactualkey'] for the user name.

    Is this a coding practice that should be changed with version 5?

    Source: https://php.livejournal.com/683431.html

  6. Converting MS-Access Forms To PHP

    Date: 09/26/11     Keywords: php, database, sql, microsoft

    I've got a Microsoft Access application that I'm going to have to convert to PHP and another database (PostGres or SQLite). The db portion I could do by hand if I needed to (the tables are not complicated). It's the forms that I'm worried about.

    Does anyone have any experience with a tool for converting Access forms to PHP code? I found DB Convert, which looks promising, but I'd like to know about anyone's first-hand experiences.

    Source: http://php.livejournal.com/682814.html

  7. Converting MS-Access Forms To PHP

    Date: 09/26/11     Keywords: php, database, sql, microsoft

    I've got a Microsoft Access application that I'm going to have to convert to PHP and another database (PostGres or SQLite). The db portion I could do by hand if I needed to (the tables are not complicated). It's the forms that I'm worried about.

    Does anyone have any experience with a tool for converting Access forms to PHP code? I found DB Convert, which looks promising, but I'd like to know about anyone's first-hand experiences.

    Source: https://php.livejournal.com/682814.html

  8. Small problem with autoplay

    Date: 05/24/11     Keywords: web

    I am using a video plugin for my site but one of the videos from veoh keeps going to autoplay, so I was wondering if I could get a small bit of help since this is old and the developer is no longer updating this plugin. I want to put a new piece of code to stop the autoplaying into the video embedder plugin.

    My embedded video:

    embed src="http://www.veoh.com/static/swf/webplayer/WebPlayer.swf?version=v5.6.0.1123&permalinkId=v20995555PJT9Qaah&player=videodetailsembedded&videoAutoPlay=0&id=2895821" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="410" height="341" id="veohFlashPlayerEmbed" name="veohFlashPlayerEmbed">

    The part I found for the plugin to work:

    case 'veoh':
    $content = wp_widget_video_buildEmbed('http://www.veoh.com/videodetails2.swf?player=videodetailsembedded&type=v&permalinkId='.$id.'&id=anonymous', $width, $height);

    Thank you in Advance.

    Source: http://php.livejournal.com/682396.html

  9. Small problem with autoplay

    Date: 05/24/11     Keywords: web

    I am using a video plugin for my site but one of the videos from veoh keeps going to autoplay, so I was wondering if I could get a small bit of help since this is old and the developer is no longer updating this plugin. I want to put a new piece of code to stop the autoplaying into the video embedder plugin.

    My embedded video:

    embed src="http://www.veoh.com/static/swf/webplayer/WebPlayer.swf?version=v5.6.0.1123&permalinkId=v20995555PJT9Qaah&player=videodetailsembedded&videoAutoPlay=0&id=2895821" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="410" height="341" id="veohFlashPlayerEmbed" name="veohFlashPlayerEmbed">

    The part I found for the plugin to work:

    case 'veoh':
    $content = wp_widget_video_buildEmbed('http://www.veoh.com/videodetails2.swf?player=videodetailsembedded&type=v&permalinkId='.$id.'&id=anonymous', $width, $height);

    Thank you in Advance.

    Source: https://php.livejournal.com/682396.html

  10. Inkwell Creative Hiring Web Developer

    Date: 02/11/11     Keywords: programming, css, html, technology, database, web, seo

    Inkwell Creative, a growing Portland, Oregon company focusing on web design, graphic design, interactive media, video and branding, is looking to hire a web developer. We are seeking a hard working team player and someone who is forward thinking when it comes to technology. You must be able to work with us in a collaborative team setting, know many coding and web programming languages and have a strong portfolio.

    5+ years of experience
    Strong portfolio
    Must be collaborative
    Knowledge of many coding/web development languages
    Knowledge of CSS and HTML 5, Content Management Systems, Flash, SEO programming, Integration into Databases
    Knowledge of iPhone apps a plus

    DOE. Benefits and paid-for parking. This is a salary position.

    Email a cover letter, resume and link to your online portfolio to hr@inkwellgroup.com. Please include in your cover letter any outside hobbies, passions and interests. We kindly request no phone calls and no employment agencies.


    Source: http://php.livejournal.com/681768.html

  11. Inkwell Creative Hiring Web Developer

    Date: 02/11/11     Keywords: programming, css, html, technology, database, web, seo

    Inkwell Creative, a growing Portland, Oregon company focusing on web design, graphic design, interactive media, video and branding, is looking to hire a web developer. We are seeking a hard working team player and someone who is forward thinking when it comes to technology. You must be able to work with us in a collaborative team setting, know many coding and web programming languages and have a strong portfolio.

    5+ years of experience
    Strong portfolio
    Must be collaborative
    Knowledge of many coding/web development languages
    Knowledge of CSS and HTML 5, Content Management Systems, Flash, SEO programming, Integration into Databases
    Knowledge of iPhone apps a plus

    DOE. Benefits and paid-for parking. This is a salary position.

    Email a cover letter, resume and link to your online portfolio to hr@inkwellgroup.com. Please include in your cover letter any outside hobbies, passions and interests. We kindly request no phone calls and no employment agencies.


    Source: https://php.livejournal.com/681768.html

  12. Favorite web development editors

    Date: 01/02/11     Keywords: php, programming, css, html, web, linux


    I am starting to dabble in web programming, again, after a long hiatus. I am a Debian/Linux guy, and am hoping some folks that do web development can recommend or share which web development editors and tools they have used, liked or disliked.

    I tend to use vi/emacs for programming, but think to do web site development a 'dreamweaver' or other similar tool, that helps organize and edit pages and text files for PHP, HTML, CSS, and JS would probably be better than vi or emacs :)

    Let me know, and thanka.

    Source: http://php.livejournal.com/680974.html

  13. Favorite web development editors

    Date: 01/02/11     Keywords: php, programming, css, html, web, linux


    I am starting to dabble in web programming, again, after a long hiatus. I am a Debian/Linux guy, and am hoping some folks that do web development can recommend or share which web development editors and tools they have used, liked or disliked.

    I tend to use vi/emacs for programming, but think to do web site development a 'dreamweaver' or other similar tool, that helps organize and edit pages and text files for PHP, HTML, CSS, and JS would probably be better than vi or emacs :)

    Let me know, and thanka.

    Source: https://php.livejournal.com/680974.html

  14. You can string functions together in PHP!

    Date: 11/11/10     Keywords: no keywords

    Does anybody know when that happened?

    I just stumbled across it out of sheer desperation when I was using DOMXPath to access the text value of several single nodes:

    $title = $xpath->query ('title', $ent)->item (0)->textContent;

    I'm absolutely certain that when I first started (4.0? 3.x?) this was illegal since you could not follow a function call with any operator on the return value. The parser simply did not allow it and so the above code could only be written:

    $nodelist = $xpath->query ('title', $ent);
    $node = $nodelist->item (0);
    $title = $node->textContent;

    Of course, they didn't have objects then but the same was true of arrays:
    $myFunction ()[0] was illegal, now it's not.

    Source: http://php.livejournal.com/680758.html

  15. You can string functions together in PHP!

    Date: 11/11/10     Keywords: no keywords

    Does anybody know when that happened?

    I just stumbled across it out of sheer desperation when I was using DOMXPath to access the text value of several single nodes:

    $title = $xpath->query ('title', $ent)->item (0)->textContent;

    I'm absolutely certain that when I first started (4.0? 3.x?) this was illegal since you could not follow a function call with any operator on the return value. The parser simply did not allow it and so the above code could only be written:

    $nodelist = $xpath->query ('title', $ent);
    $node = $nodelist->item (0);
    $title = $node->textContent;

    Of course, they didn't have objects then but the same was true of arrays:
    $myFunction ()[0] was illegal, now it's not.

    Source: https://php.livejournal.com/680758.html

  16. Differences between the web and cli?

    Date: 10/18/10     Keywords: php, apache

    I have a script that's working 100% fine when viewed as served by Apache. When I run it from the command line (i.e. php index.php) I get a DB connection error. Everything is the same, but when run from the command line it doesn't work. Any ideas on differences between the two methods of running the script?

    Source: http://php.livejournal.com/680454.html

  17. Differences between the web and cli?

    Date: 10/18/10     Keywords: php, apache

    I have a script that's working 100% fine when viewed as served by Apache. When I run it from the command line (i.e. php index.php) I get a DB connection error. Everything is the same, but when run from the command line it doesn't work. Any ideas on differences between the two methods of running the script?

    Source: https://php.livejournal.com/680454.html

  18. OCPortal

    Date: 06/24/10     Keywords: no keywords

    Anyone had any experience with OC portal?

    Source: http://php.livejournal.com/679656.html

  19. OCPortal

    Date: 06/24/10     Keywords: no keywords

    Anyone had any experience with OC portal?

    Source: https://php.livejournal.com/679656.html

  20. Calendar script

    Date: 06/06/10     Keywords: php

    I'm looking for a calendar class or script that will drop into an existing application, where I can tell it where to find events, and it will populate these events on the given day in a month view.

    Every php calendar I've looked at so far has it's own date tables.. I'm really only needing the "shell" of the calendar.

    Is there something like this available, or should I start writing my own?

    Source: http://php.livejournal.com/678943.html

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