Creating a link/toolbar button in Internet Explorer.

    Date: 04/28/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software, java, web

    I'm currently a Firefox user, but have some people I know attempting to get me to switch back to using IE. (This is getting as ludicrous as the PC/Mac debate.) So I'm currently running an IE7 beta.

    Question. I have a toolbar button for Firefox that runs a small Javascript script that will take info from an webpage and feed it into my local library's search engine. (For those of you who wish to see the script, it's javascript:var%20re=/([//-]|is[bs]n=)(/d{7,9}[/dX])/i;if(re.test(location.href)==true){var%20isbn=RegExp.$2;void(''+'/web2/tramp2.exe/do_authority_search/guest?SETTING_KEY=CLEVNET&English&location_group_filter=all&servers=1home&index=&query='+isbn,'LibraryLookup','scrollbars=1,resizable=1,location=1,width=575,height=500'))} ; as long as your library uses the same software program-- which I used to know the name of, but mine have taken it off the software altogether-- it shouldn't require a huge amount of customization.) When I try to create an IE toolbar button (in the links toolbar) with the same script, it first tries to assign it to a page, then to, then tells me "javascript is not a valid URL protocol."

    Is there any way to get a toolbar button to run a script under IE? (This would be a showstopper for my going back to IE; I use that button in Firefox at least twenty times a day.)



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