Laptop Problem

    Date: 05/18/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus

    Okay I'm not really good with explaining things about computers, so please bare with me. Okay so I was busy messing around with adobe photoshop and I was signed online, but I was only downloading an episode of a tv show I missed. All of the sudden I get this blue screen with a bunch of writing in white flash by really quick and my computer shuts down. So the next time I didn't sign online and it still did it again. My brother's friend was over and said to restore it to an earlier date and he did. After he left it did it again. It'll probably be doing it soon too. Anyone have any idea what's causing this? I did a virus scan and everything came back fine. The screen goes by too quickly to read what the blue screen says and when I try to submit about the error it doesn't work anymore. It did the first time, and it said it could be anything from a hardware problem to a problem with my charger, which I just got a new one. I should also mention that I just got back my computer from the company not even a month ago for a problem with the charger outlet on my computer. I got my laptop in November of last year and I've already had to take it in to be seen 4 times already, none of which I caused. Any help would be appreciated!


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