Apple/MOV/Quicktime sucks the big one!!

    Date: 05/30/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web

    Ok I'm highly PO'ed here. I can't play an MOV file. I have quicktime and about 20 other video players. They can all play Rammstein videos in .mov that I've downloaded. But it won't play a movie trailer and no one will share their screen caps from it, so all I wanted was just to make my own screen caps since people are too stuck up to share simple pictures, but noooooooooooooo, it doesn't play! I'm tired of waiting 20 minutes just to view a web page, staying up until 1am to download yet another video player that's supposed to play MOV's all to have NOTHING that on the face of the earth that can play it!! How come I can't play this MOV file????? >:(


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