printers - dry toner laser / inkjet ?

    Date: 06/06/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Can I ask about printers in this community?

    I'd like to print something from a dry toner laser printer.
    I have several printers at home, but I don't know if they are this kind.
    Someone once told me to use a magnifying glass to distinguish a laser print from an inkjet print. Is there any other way I could find out what kind of printer I have?

    I have an Okipage 6e (it's an obsolete model)
    and a Hewlett Packard Desketjet 695C.
    The latter prints slowly, with a mechanism applying ink side to side on the paper.
    The print for Okipage just slides out--I have a feeling this one is laser, but I don't know if it's dry toner laser.


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