Lookin for input

    Date: 06/10/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    After several years, my faithful motherboard has died, so that means I get to upgrade. mwuhahahahaha. I'm on a budget, and I've found two mobo/cpu combo's that fit my budget, and are an upgrade in the processor. I've read all the specs and what not for the Athlon 64's, but reviews are one thing, what people who use them have to say is another. What's the basic performance like, temperatures/cooling issues, will 32-bit xp run with it?

    My other question is about the two motherboard companies. I know ASUS by reputation, and a friend back in college was an ASUS fanboy, but I know next to nothing about Biostar. Since I've never dealt with either company, I'm really just curious about the reliability of the boards and how well they hold up, along with, how their customer support is, and if they speak english(bad bad experience with ECS)

    Anyway, here's the two combos I'm lookin at. Any and all input will be appreciated.

    BIOSTAR K8M80-M7A with Athlon64 3000+ Socket 754


    Asus K8V-X SE with Athlon 64 3300+ Socket 754

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/637347.html

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