Laptop Battery Problem..

    Date: 06/16/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hi :)

    I've got a Compaq laptop that is only running from AC Power at the moment. This means that if I accidentally move the laptop and pull out the power cord then the laptop switches off. The battery is two years old and was working ok until last night although it never held the charge for long.

    My questions are:
    Is there a simple way to make a laptop hook up to the battery? Could this problem be something to do with changed settings?
    Could the battery be totally flat? Would getting a new battery be the solution?
    Is it a mystery third option?!

    I've checked the BIOS settings and can't find anything about ac power/battery power in there. I've also looking in the Power Management section in the Control Panel and there's nothing about switching between battery power and ac power.

    Thanks for reading (and double thanks for answering!) :D


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