
    Date: 06/20/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus

    I have like 3 big problems.

    Some virus or something had turned off my Firewall and I can't get it back on. All the links are like dead. And I can't fix it. So I have all these popups and they won't go away. And it's annoying and my computer is super sensitive to getting viruses. So that's one questions. Help?

    The other one is that AIM virus thing. I'm really kind of dumb about that stuff. If I deleted AIM and redownloaded, would that work? And I can't download AIM from the AIM site. So someone once sent a link to download it there. I think it had something to do with CNet or something.

    So I need helped with my Firewall, help with my AIM or the link to redownload AIM.



    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/642440.html

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