Laptop monitor... destroyed

    Date: 06/23/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: google

    I can't even believe that I'm writing this, but I guess I have to accept the truth. And, that is my laptop monitor is destroyed. It fell off the desk and now the LCD monitor is shot to hell. I cried for like an hour. Anyway, I tried turning the machine on again and it actually did go through the windows screen and the whole bit and I'm pretty sure it went to the desktop. Only thing is, I can't see it because the screen is a white-ish blue with big black blotches where the machine made impact with the floor. Christ.

    My question:

    a) Is there anyway to fix a laptop monitor. I know it's the stupidest question ever. I imagine it costs a million dollars. I did a google search and saw how this guy only replaced the actual LCD part of his laptop monitor, but I looked at mine and there aren't any screws. But, maybe there is a chance I can fix the LCD part if I took it to a shop... I don't know. I also don't know if it's worth the money.

    b) Until I can buy a new machine (tears...) would it work if I bought a PC monitor and connected it to my laptop? I would have to open the laptop flat and then use the keyboard on it, but look at the PC monitor. Not the best solution, but is it possible? I'm pretty sure I have a port (?) in the back of my machine for it, one has a picture of a printer, the other a rectangle. How much would a used monitor costs anyway?

    I'm sorry for sounding like an air head, but computers aren't my forte. Plus, I'm so distraught right now I could faint...

    x-posted in computerhelp


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