heeeeeeeeeeelpppp :'(

    Date: 07/10/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software, java

    so, long story short I did a system restore on my XP.
    Now I went to open limewire, and it said I need to download the latest version of java.
    so, I go to java.com, and attempt a d/l....but java tells me that "We encountered an issue while trying to automatically install Java software onto your machine. "
    It then goes on about activeX control, but that bar doesn't even come up at all, so it's not that. 
    is it that limewire could have been uninstalled, or something, and how do I fix this?

    thank you in advance.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/651784.html

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