2 issues

    Date: 07/16/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: browser, virus, google

    i have 2 unrelated questions.

    the first one: my internet browsers on my desktop computer will not access the internet. i guess that isn't completely true, sometimes they do and then out of of the blue they won't, and i will get an "unable to connect to server" message, or something like that telling me i have no internet connection. i have to reboot to "fix" it. i figure the problem has nothing to so with ISP/Internet connection because while my browsers won't bring up pages, i can still stay on my messengers and dl stuff off soulseek and bittorrent, and other various programs can access the net to update (plus the fact that rebooting always fixes it). I have used both IE and Firefox and i have also scanned for viruses with norton anti virus corporate ed, checked for spy ware with spybot s&d, ad aware, and crap cleaner (and i updated all programs before using). I have checked my firewall settings (zone alarm) and i also checked all the processes running on my computer and only one i couldn't find using google (E_FATI99AA.exe). So i was wondering what i should try next.

    the second questions: my laptop has a crack in it. when closed the crack is on top, it is slowly growing but it is still pretty small, so i wondering what i might use to seal it up and prevent it from getting any larger.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/655489.html

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