Why won't cookies become enabled?

    Date: 07/19/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web

    I'm really desperately wanting to buy a pair of boots from a website called schuh.co.uk but whenever I click to put the item in my basket it comes up with this message:

    This happens on some websites and not on other when I've tried to buy stuff in the past. It also tends to happen on faceparty.com where it says I can't log in because I don't have cookies enabled, but it seems odd to me because at other times it works. 

    I use IE6 (corrected from original post) and have already gone to the privacy tab and selected the option to allow all cookies, so I'm really confused as to why it's still playing up! Obviously there's something wrong with my settings somewhere because it isn't restricted to just one site. 

    Any ideas? :\

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/657839.html

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