Toshibe laptop HD issues

    Date: 07/24/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Sorry that this is cross-posted everywhere, but I’m getting beyond frustrated with this problem. A few months back, my boyfriend installed a no-cd hack for a videogame that he had lost the disk for, and it said something about needing to update the video driver, so he did, and then he got the blue screen of death. So he restarts, and the computer is on for a little, then another blue screen. Now it gets to the windows loading screen and then the blue screen comes, and it just keeps restarting by itself over and over. It won’t boot from the recovery disk, or safe mode or anything else we could think of. We bought an external casing thing for the hard drive, figuring if we just wiped it clean the laptop would be problem free, but we’re having issues with that too. We put the HD in the casing and plugged it into my computer, but whenever we try to format it, it’ll act busy, then say “Format could not be completed.” Before we attempted the format, we tried to just open the drive to manually delete what we think is the problem, but it wouldn’t even let us open it. I really don’t want to have to spend the money on a new HD, so I’m really hoping one of you guys can help me out! Is it possible to have somehow friend the HD beyond repair with a driver..?

    Thanks in advance!!


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