Internet Trouble

    Date: 08/04/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    OK Here is the problem. I don't know what happened or why. I have tried everything I know to fix this problem. I am using a Linsys router that has 2 other pc's connected to it, which is also connected to a motorola cable modem. The other 2 pcs have internet so the problem is with my computer.The router shows that a connection is active with the ehternet cable, but everything on my pc says that there is no connection. Under network connections I have Local area connect, which I believe is the connection to the router,it says it is connected and ut has packets sent and recieved.under properties and support when I click repair it tries to go through the process but it comes up with trying to renew ip address, then that it can't get a connection to do so. Any suggestions would be helpful. If you need more info just let me know.



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