DVD question

    Date: 08/14/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    For some reason, a used set of DVDs I purchased a while ago doesn't play well on my computer. Even though I bought them as used, there are no scratches on them that I can see and the whole set arrived in the original plastic packaging. With some of the disks, every few minutes, the player (not the whole computer) will freeze for about a minute, and then when it starts playing again the picture will be jumpy for a while. Some titles/chapters won't play at all. This happens on every player I've tried (Windows Media, WinDVD, Real Player, VLC Player). I tried a different DVD for a few minutes using the same players and it seemed to play okay, although I didn't play it the whole way through. Restarting didn't help. I tried the bad DVD on a different computer and it played fine.

    Anyone know what would cause this?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/672138.html

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