Tablet Trouble

    Date: 09/01/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software

    Hi there. I need some help with my Wacom tablet. I'm not too knowledgable with computers and things like this, but I'll try my best to give as much information about the problem as I can. A few days ago, I had to reformat the computer. But the tablet software appeared to still be loaded. So I plugged the tablet it and tested it out. It still worked, but not as it did before. When you lift the pen and place it on another area of the tablet, the curser is supposed to jump to that position on the screen. Now, it will hardly move at all when I do this. I figured I should probably reinstall the software, so I popped the disk in. It brought up a message telling me I needed to restart the computer before it could install. So I did, but it only continued to bring that same message up. I went in and deleted the program because I thought maybe that was the problem. I guess it wasn't since it only continued to bring that same message up. I'm not really sure what I should do. The tablet's not that old, haven't even had it a year. It's a Wacom, model CTE-440. Anyone have any advice?


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