My computer hates me

    Date: 10/22/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: security, microsoft

    (This was cross-posted to a few places and is still unsolved.)

    I'm trying to play a MMORPG that attempts to download and install DirectX before it's playable, and I've been getting that error where DirectX fails to pass Windows Logo testing, and I have tried several things that're posted on the Internet (renaming catroot2, checking to make sure that Cryptographic Services is enabled/started, etc.).

    My computer says that I have DirectX installed already, but the game still prompts me to download/install it, and it still doesn't pass Logo testing.

    I've also found that Windows Update, whether I initiate it from or from the Security Center, will not update. I have 33 updates to download, and 1 succeeds no matter how many times I try.

    For both the DirectX problem and the Update problem, I have tried everything I could from this article, with no luck.

    I'd also like to note that Internet Explorer's installation also gives me this error: "Setup could not verify the integrity of the file Update.inf."


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