Windows xp -flicker

    Date: 10/24/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus

    So i dont know if this has happend to anyone but i have a windows xp home computer that i bought in 2004, i had minor problems since then and so on but i have this problem with the computer now.

    Whenever im on it sometimes the screen flickers like if the computer is going to die yet i dont have anything else plugged in, i thought it was a virus but i used three virus scanners.

    Spybot search and destory
    macfee or whatever its called
    ad aware

    maybe i have to many installed? or maybe i have the wrong ones installed but it didnt pick up anything and my computer screen flickers and it also makes a "buzzing" sound. which isnt that loud it only does it when my computer flickers.

    any ideas?


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