possible explorer or connections problems

    Date: 11/01/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: browser, web

    Posting it here because it starts to get fucking irritating.

    First some stats about my PC
    Fujitsu Siemens Computer
    Intel Pentium 4 CPU
    3.06 GHz
    1,00 GB RAM
    Window XP
    Fritz Box SL

    1.) Fist of all, I still do have the problem that sometimes the host adresses get fucked up. I tried to manage that with someone from that community using hijackthis, we found the source, I deleted it and it worked again. I did that everytime the problem showed up and at some point it stopped working. Now I have to restart my PC every time when I wnat to it be working again (i.e. ebing able to visit webpages without the adresse sgetting fcuked up)

    2.) Sometimes it works for the first 5 to 10 minutes after I started my PC, and then I can't open any website anymore, or rather, my PC acts as if I had no connection, but I have, actually. Also AIM and ever yother messenger still does work fine, just the websites won't open anymore. To get it fixed, I have to restart my PC. But isn't there any other way?

    3.) Probably I do have a week connection or something (which shouldn't be since I own DSL wtf), but rather often when I want to visit a website firefox (and the aol browser, just tested it) shows me the usual thing, timeout, you know. What to do? It's extremely bothersome.

    Help, anyone?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/703479.html

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