Please Help!

    Date: 11/03/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software, spyware, microsoft

    My dell laptop is fairly new (got in in July 06) and it started causes problems from the start without even getting on the Internet. A whole range, I could tell you them but that would take forever my main two problems:

    My system/computer is deleting some stuff of mine (i.e music, word documents) (started about a month ago) I deleted that user account after all my fles got delted, it started after I did this LogMien thing with someone to detect my cd drive problem. This user account deletes and moves some of my files but I am saving them not such a big problem. Anyone know any good place to save files? I currently use GMail and eSnips.

    My optical/CD drive is not being detected (Started about two months ago)

    I heard the best thing to do is to some how save my files and then reinstall my Windows XP (the system or program I have) My main two questions are:

    Does reinstalling Windows XP fix the optical drive?
    Can I reinstall Windows XP using the WINNT32, since my CD drive is not being detected?

    I cannot take it in so please don't say that as an option, any help please?

    What is C:\WINDOWS\system32\fxscom.dll do I need that? It says it is missing in my Abexo
    Also my internet has been not working well and very slow and sometimes I can get on, and sometimes I can't
    And my computer space has been going down what could cause this?

    Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP, Home Edition Version 2002, Service Pack 2
    Computer: Dell Inspiron 6400
    Memory: (c drive): 450MB (it was 4.65GB yesterday)
    Broswer: FireFox 1.5 and Mozilla 1.7
    What is the processor speed of your CPU?

    Have you recently installed or uninstalled any software or hardware? If so, what?
    A lot to save space:
    Adobe Photoshop Elements
    MicroSoft ActiveX Control Pad (and installed)

    NoteTab Light
    4Tray (and uninstalled
    Mozilla Thunderbird

    Anti-Malware programs:
    Ad Adware SE Personal
    Spybot S&D
    AdvancedWindowsCare V2 Personal
    Spyware Blaster

    Some links I checked out:
    WIndows Install
    Windows Reinstall Two
    Should that be okay?

    X Posted in '[info]'computersupport


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