external hard drive, multi dvd burners and HELL

    Date: 11/13/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: microsoft

    bare with me for a sec...

    so i'm having hardware issues with my multi dvd burner, where it recognizes dvd's that are already burned or oem. but at soon as i put in a dvd-r or rw it 'becomes' a cd-rom. it also does dvd-ram so it barely burns to those, if i add tooo larg a file, it give me errors.

    after taling to various people, and thinking i'd have to do this anyways, i finally broke and began to reinstall windows.
    1- i have oem xp home with sp2 UPGRADE version
    2- i have oem win 98 [and bootable copy]

    so i go an drop the bootable copy in the drive, but it doesn load properly and goes stright to dos c: drive

    so i goto my f: drive [which is technically my g: drive] and open the dir, and run setup.exe on f:\win98>

    it runs scan disc instead, and i'm thinking it needs to do this to install...
    so wrong

    it precieded to call my i: [external] drive my d: [internal] drive and told me i had errors so i was like fix it, after it did the same to the c: drive...
    and it renamed all my files into chk except one folder??? and the files that iomega installed to run the external drive, i wish i had created a recovery floppy at that point, but it prooved useless later anyways as i will explain, and it stopped 1/2 way through saying that there weren't enough filenames (ie: FILE0000.CHK ) for all the files in the drive [iomega external 160 GIG]... yeah
    so it stopped and left me with 9,999 FILE####.CHK files and no idead wtf they were originally, it also told me to rename or DELETE? [fuck no!] the files so that it could create more... and finish running

    i went and called microsoft and they gave me the run arround, though i do have two free service calls or tech supports since i'm still under warrenty, so i give em a chance, while my wife is flipping out i the back ground as we had important personal and leagal files, let alone programs installed, projects, videos, images, and iso/mds files too

    so after recieving nill phone call at the apointed time i went to a friends and downloaded a couple of chk recovery programs 'unchk' and 'filechk' which both did a good job, but did not recognized all the files, and did not know all of the extentions to all the files in the hdd, their file names or their original locations, so i began weeding out the other files, like vob, which are large files anyways and weren't recognized, etc etc...

    so then my dumb ass ran program again, and got fucked for it, it now says that the drive has 160 gigs, has 14 gigs free, but i can only see 40 gigs of files/folders in in the hdd

    and i lost all the fils that had been renamed, got a bitchload more chk files, all small and got no idea WTF is going on anymore

    i did creat a recovery floppy at that point, the second scandisk run, but i cannot find the disc anywhere

    my problems:

    1] after reinstalling everything my dvd burner still only burns cds, thoug not i have the option for dvd's available again though i keeps telling me that the cd does not have enough space init, even though t's only4.2 gigs being burned into a 4.7 dvd+r, the dvd-ram multi function drive once again shows cd-rom when a blank dvd-/+r is put in it.
    i have no further ideas as to how to fix this problem, it says that the drivers are upto date, and i never got a

    2] my external 160 gig hdd, i cann't see files that are there [obviously] as they are taking up space in the hdd, yet they for all intents and purposes do not exist
    when i go in thorugh dos, and check the drive's dir, i get a rather large exe file

    i'm currently running a few data recovery programs, but i'm not sure what i'll get till i recover them, and this is taking a loooooong time

    any and all suggestions or help would be greatly apprecieated


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/709812.html

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