Windows Media Plower

    Date: 11/18/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Okay... so, I'm retarded.

    I jumped on the bandwagon and installed Windows Media Player 11. Recently, when playing back certain media, especially STREAMING media, I have no sound.I have sound in other applications such as Winamp, Goldwave, and evenif I play a local file through WMP I have sound. I checked my volumecontrol settings and my speaker volume on the speakers connected to myPC. Nothing.

    so, I went to Add/Remove Programs. I removed WMP and WMP11's codecs. It worked... for a while.

    so,Now I'm back to WMP10, with the XP Codec Pack installed. Still, nosound. Is there a program SIMILAR to GSpot where I can find out whatthe streaming codecs in use are? Normally when its a codec issue I havethe reverse problem: sound but no video.

    Any advice is appreciated.


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