
    Date: 11/21/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, spyware

    Grr. Basically, I am having some serious computer issues, based around Windows closing and error report sending  the "Data Exucution Protector" and "DrWatson Debugger ..something".

    My laptop is only 11 months old and runs on Windows XP. 
    I have done a Norton virus scan on it with no results, and scan for spyware regularly.

    1) "My Documents" no longer has my documents in it. I thought they had all been deleted, but for some bizarre reason they have all been moved to folders labelled  "____'s Documents". WHY?
    2) Lately it has been repetatively popping up those send error report boxes for "Data Exucution Protector" and "DrWatson Debugger" type things. After they appear everything pretty much breaks down and my desktop disappears (the toolbar etc.), making it unusable.
    3) I took the laptop into PC World and was showed a way I could scan it for something that would make sure it was running at proper speed.. I cannot remember for the life of me what it was doing really, only that there were five stages to it on a grey screen in safety mode of the computer, but apparently I could do this off the desktop

    I would really appreciate any explanation or advice :)


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